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Swapping crosswords. 3 donf932 13th April 2010, 20:21
» by mamya
daily record tue 1 chris 13th April 2010, 20:19
» by mamya
Rhyme Quiz 7 julie 13th April 2010, 19:32
» by julie
wee stinker 2 claudie 13th April 2010, 19:19
» by claudie
naughty numbers 3 keithc 13th April 2010, 19:07
» by keithc
Daily Mail 13/04/10 1 ants 13th April 2010, 17:33
» by aljanon
AJT and Mamya. How are you getting on ? 5 donf932 13th April 2010, 17:21
» by ajt
Sat Daily Record £500 Crossword 2 brenda 13th April 2010, 16:55
» by brenda
times2 xword 7 rob 13th April 2010, 16:27
» by rob
wee stinker 4 andy 13th April 2010, 16:04
» by andy
You Mag 11th April 2 lizzie 13th April 2010, 15:39
» by lizzie
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 13th April 2010, 14:57
» by pooksahib
Scotland 4 daniel 13th April 2010, 14:36
» by daniel
containers 3 heather39 13th April 2010, 10:51
» by goofy
wee stinker 5 marv 13th April 2010, 07:35
» by marv
Times jumbo 866 cryptic 5 alan 13th April 2010, 00:08
» by alan
cryptic 866 5 janice 12th April 2010, 23:03
» by janice
Times2 No. 5123 4 paul 12th April 2010, 22:32
» by michael
RTE 16 1 dopey 12th April 2010, 22:31
» by sammi
Mephisto 2589 5 5ive gears in reverse 12th April 2010, 21:51
» by sarumite
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