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st4376 6 nealy finished 11th April 2010, 15:43
» by the judge
HELP 2 elaine 11th April 2010, 15:02
» by ixion
DT 26211 3 mick1 11th April 2010, 14:10
» by mamya
S. Exp Skeleton 3 anitajms 11th April 2010, 14:06
» by anitajms
Sun times 4376 last one help 1 roger the dodger 11th April 2010, 13:34
» by mamya
last one in Belfast Telegraph 2 barns 11th April 2010, 13:23
» by barns
Sunday Life 2 rl 11th April 2010, 12:17
» by rl
DT 26, 211 (5 Down) 2 the auditor 11th April 2010, 12:02
» by the auditor
Times2 jumbo 866 2 annie 11th April 2010, 11:50
» by annie
st4376 4 des 11th April 2010, 11:26
» by chrisg
st 4376 1 ned 11th April 2010, 11:25
» by rl
jumbo 866 last clue 2 muggins 11th April 2010, 10:37
» by muggins
MOS Bare Bones solution 0 xword 11th April 2010, 10:22
» by xword
DT 26211 2 dorothyb 11th April 2010, 10:11
» by dorothyb
Sat Tel 26211 7 joff 11th April 2010, 10:02
» by sudokulover
times2 866 1 jon 11th April 2010, 08:49
» by simong
animal quiz 30 elizabeth 11th April 2010, 08:13
» by elizabeth
Sat Tel 26211 6 D - the last 4 geoff marbella 11th April 2010, 08:00
» by chrisg
From my local paper 1 pooksahib 11th April 2010, 07:59
» by ajt
rte guide crossword no 15 2 noodles 11th April 2010, 00:09
» by ixion
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