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DT 26,217 3d, 23dn 4 gordonbennet 17th April 2010, 15:23
» by gordonbennet
cryptic 6 lesley 17th April 2010, 14:53
» by mamya
Sat Tel 26217 13 A 1 geoff marbella 17th April 2010, 13:30
» by sudokulover
RT16 13d "Ripsnorter" - but why? 2 mike 17th April 2010, 13:02
» by mike
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 7 colin (swansea jack) 17th April 2010, 11:44
» by colin (swansea jack)
crossword question Be?n? means " wild party " 7 phil 17th April 2010, 11:28
» by john (from arran)
Myops 3 zota 17th April 2010, 11:00
» by zota
please 9 wendy 17th April 2010, 10:44
» by pedant
Name the Films 1 craftydodger 17th April 2010, 10:42
» by jo
Who Am I 1 bobbin 17th April 2010, 09:15
» by sudokulover
Times Jumbo 866 1 neil leslie payne 17th April 2010, 06:21
» by chrisg
RT 16 12 philip 16th April 2010, 21:28
» by philip
RADIO TIMES 16 2 thickie 16th April 2010, 21:26
» by thickie
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 1 pooksahib 16th April 2010, 20:28
» by ixion
wendy isn't me 0 dawn 16th April 2010, 20:24
» by dawn
cancer league crossword help please 3 kaz 16th April 2010, 18:51
» by silly boy
times 2 866 6 eileen 16th April 2010, 18:43
» by jane
Round Britain 3 billie 16th April 2010, 18:28
» by ixion
sitcoms 7 nightingale 16th April 2010, 14:04
» by nightingale
Missing vowels 9 oxburgh 16th April 2010, 12:49
» by palman
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