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wee stinker 2 flummoxed 24th May 2010, 23:32
» by flummoxed
wee stinker real china 2 fireronnie 24th May 2010, 23:13
» by k
Cryptic - local paper 6 lucy 24th May 2010, 22:56
» by lucy
Cyyptic Puzzle 7 mia 24th May 2010, 22:50
» by mia
Liverpool Echo Quick 6 mark 24th May 2010, 21:55
» by mark
Films 13 gandalph 24th May 2010, 21:34
» by gandalph
tls 832 27 across 3 rony 24th May 2010, 21:33
» by rony
Daily Mail 4 megan 24th May 2010, 21:02
» by megan
MoS C/W No; 661 1 rufina stephenson 24th May 2010, 20:54
» by kitty
Help me to finish my crossword! 5 maggie 24th May 2010, 20:50
» by k
Daily Mail 2 megan 24th May 2010, 20:50
» by megan
daily mail cryptic 24.05.10help,help please with 13d 11 jacfrost 24th May 2010, 20:31
» by terry
Of of of of of of of of of of (10) 8 roinboii 24th May 2010, 20:12
» by roinboii
dt26248 4 eddie 24th May 2010, 19:51
» by eddie
times 2 no 872 4 eileen 24th May 2010, 19:14
» by dumblix
wee stinker 3 norm 24th May 2010, 18:48
» by norm
Skeleton Crossword 7 james 24th May 2010, 18:42
» by stronon
Wee Stinker 9 ixion 24th May 2010, 18:02
» by jo
wee stinker 1 norm 24th May 2010, 18:01
» by ixion
RNLI 4 maryp 24th May 2010, 16:05
» by maryp
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