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western mail.saturday 1 derek 14th June 2010, 16:20
» by terry
Wee Stinker 6 mary b 14th June 2010, 15:55
» by sallyw
Mephisto2598 24 mags 14th June 2010, 15:52
» by sallyw
MOS 1441 3 dorothyb 14th June 2010, 13:28
» by dorothyb
F T 13411 2 silly boy 14th June 2010, 13:15
» by silly boy
everyman 2 sheila 14th June 2010, 13:09
» by sudokulover
times 2 875 1 eileen 14th June 2010, 12:53
» by k
Wee Stinker 2 tom 14th June 2010, 10:41
» by tom
Sat Tel 26,265 2 ash 14th June 2010, 10:31
» by ash
Mephisto 2598 2 djawhufc 14th June 2010, 08:09
» by djawhufc
Sunday Times 4385 5 huckleberry 14th June 2010, 08:09
» by ajt
times jumbo 875 4 gary 14th June 2010, 08:07
» by kate
Times 2 Jumbo 875 2 macv 13th June 2010, 23:45
» by macv
everyman 3324 5 yvon 13th June 2010, 23:34
» by terry
S.Tel Cryptic 2540 10 simon 13th June 2010, 23:32
» by kemlo
MOS 1,182 6 rabbit 13th June 2010, 23:06
» by studio51
Could be seen on a country walk 6 daniel 13th June 2010, 22:14
» by mamya
SAT DAILY RECORD 2 faccle 13th June 2010, 22:04
» by faccle
times 4385 14 john 13th June 2010, 21:28
» by trevor
T.T & T.T.T 10 daniel 13th June 2010, 20:18
» by daniel
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