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do we get a share of your winnings? 0 dd 16th June 2010, 21:36
» by dd
Jumbo Crossword Saturday Times 874 2 gerry 16th June 2010, 21:08
» by harrhy
Daily Mail 13 megan 16th June 2010, 20:57
» by jjo
Radio Times crossword 25 0 robert.j.larcombe 16th June 2010, 20:47
» by robert.j.larcombe
Radio Times #24 18 john (from arran) 16th June 2010, 20:08
» by carole
Radio Times crossword 25 11 robert.j.larcombe 16th June 2010, 19:57
» by terry
Radio Times crossword 25 4 robert. j. larcombe 16th June 2010, 18:18
» by k
times cryptic 24565 2 sallyw 16th June 2010, 17:46
» by sallyw
times cryptic 24565 5 sallyw 16th June 2010, 17:23
» by sallyw
ITEMS THAT COULD BE SEEN ON A NATURE WALK 4 billie 16th June 2010, 17:12
» by billie
My last D Mail clue... 2 pooksahib 16th June 2010, 15:18
» by pooksahib
AZED 1985 10 teenieleek 16th June 2010, 15:15
» by teenieleek
The Week 698 9 janet 16th June 2010, 14:40
» by janet
Times Jumbo 875 5 fraser 16th June 2010, 14:12
» by rob m
Times 24562 (Saturday) 4 lumplum 16th June 2010, 13:57
» by wpw
Dai;y Record Tues 6 chid 16th June 2010, 13:08
» by chid
D. Mail 6 suki 16th June 2010, 12:16
» by suki
fruit-eating 5 rob m 16th June 2010, 11:43
» by mamya
who am I? 2 gandalph 16th June 2010, 11:13
» by gandalph
The Week 701 3 ruth 16th June 2010, 10:35
» by ruth
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