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sat daily record 7 joe 90 15th June 2010, 09:02
» by ajt
Azed 1985 5 xwordman 15th June 2010, 08:49
» by sudokulover
Telegraph cryptic 5 pauline 14th June 2010, 23:49
» by tom
Wee Stinker. Roos are (hint?) 1 frank 14th June 2010, 23:47
» by tom
daily rec saturday 5 sarah 14th June 2010, 23:45
» by sarah
daily record £500 crossword 7 sparkle 14th June 2010, 23:20
» by kemlo
TV Programs 3 ernie 14th June 2010, 23:19
» by jimc
Daily Record (sat) help needed 8 alex 14th June 2010, 23:13
» by kemlo
rte 25 2 sammi 14th June 2010, 23:04
» by sammi
im stuck on my 9yr olds homework!! help!! 4 katie 14th June 2010, 22:59
» by katie
Sat Daily Record 5 jj 14th June 2010, 22:51
» by helena
Wee stinker 12 tam 14th June 2010, 22:42
» by kemlo
Rivers which flow into the English Channel 10 john b 14th June 2010, 22:34
» by john b
macmillan quiz 50 esmeralda 14th June 2010, 21:37
» by quizaddict
Sunday Mail Mag 2 brenda shields 14th June 2010, 21:30
» by brenda shields
Daily Mail 3 megan 14th June 2010, 20:42
» by megan
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 8 pooksahib 14th June 2010, 20:02
» by terry
£500 Daily Rec 1 anna 14th June 2010, 19:11
» by tom
Spectator 1968 6 silly boy 14th June 2010, 18:56
» by tom
wee stinker 7 norm 14th June 2010, 18:54
» by ixion
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