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Times 24,559 15 chris 9th June 2010, 20:04
» by dunce
Daily Mail 2 megan 9th June 2010, 19:06
» by megan
Genius 84 63 clevertask 9th June 2010, 17:38
» by ajt
solutions needed to clues 1d,3d,6d 7a 9a 14d 11a 22a 10 robert.j.larcombe 9th June 2010, 17:29
» by frannie
Music quiz 4 purplebird 9th June 2010, 17:28
» by purplebird
Private Eye 419 2 mags 9th June 2010, 15:58
» by mag s
times cryptic 24559 3 sallyw 9th June 2010, 15:18
» by frannie
Brainteasers. 9 cheryl 9th June 2010, 12:28
» by george ii
D. Mail 8 suki 9th June 2010, 12:23
» by suki
azed 1984 9 xwordman 9th June 2010, 11:56
» by sudokulover
cryptic trees and shrubs 3 alison 9th June 2010, 11:37
» by alison julie himsworth
Fun day Daily record 5 joe90 9th June 2010, 11:30
» by joe90
daily record the big one 1 jd 9th June 2010, 07:30
» by ajt
Unsolved via Dictionary, Theosaurus or Crossword solver 5 wonder 9th June 2010, 07:24
» by dunce
RTE GuideC/W No; 24 5 rufina stephenson 9th June 2010, 00:32
» by ixion
Film 4 singspiel 8th June 2010, 23:44
» by kemlo
land air or sea 7 nightingale 8th June 2010, 22:13
» by the joker
Times Jumbo 874 Cryptic 2 ali 8th June 2010, 21:16
» by ali
Daily Record Big One 2 may 8th June 2010, 20:17
» by may
daily record tues 8th june 2 catherine 8th June 2010, 19:35
» by bullfrog
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