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message for kookaburra 8 terry 3rd July 2010, 06:15
» by kookaburra
rte guide no.27 4 samantha 2nd July 2010, 23:30
» by sammi
RT26 36 philip 2nd July 2010, 23:19
» by john (from arran)
Breeds and well known nicknames of dogs 16 dairybox 2nd July 2010, 21:54
» by terry
Classic films 8 jaybe 2nd July 2010, 21:35
» by jaybe
Times 24572 6 val 2nd July 2010, 19:31
» by the real kemlo
EV 921 - Gang Of Four 14 k 2nd July 2010, 18:30
» by k
books 5 mary 2nd July 2010, 18:00
» by the joker
Times cryptic 24574 2 viva voce 2nd July 2010, 17:41
» by stu
Daily Mail 2 megan 2nd July 2010, 16:25
» by megan
A clue for a quiet moment .... 14 jimc 2nd July 2010, 16:22
» by megan
Daily mail quick crossword 2nd july 1 tom 2nd July 2010, 15:22
» by crypto
daily mail 3 tommo 2nd July 2010, 15:13
» by crypto
daily mail 2/7/10 3 tommo 2nd July 2010, 14:52
» by tommo
Pick Me Up prize crossword - Cartoon motorcyclist? 2 luckyeight 2nd July 2010, 13:08
» by luckyeight
Daily Mail 3 densa 2nd July 2010, 12:35
» by densa
Actors with the same surname? 12 kemlo 2nd July 2010, 12:31
» by rob
times cryptic 24579 2 sallyw 2nd July 2010, 12:25
» by crypto
times cryptic 24579 2 sallyw 2nd July 2010, 11:30
» by sallyw
Children of Fiji 2 celadon 2nd July 2010, 10:30
» by celadon
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