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Today's Daily Record 1 carol 29th June 2010, 18:54
» by lucifer sam
The Week 703 3 mrs obbm 29th June 2010, 17:48
» by kemlo
everyman 3326 7 bert 29th June 2010, 14:26
» by bert
d mail 28th 6 eddie 29th June 2010, 14:05
» by ajt
local newspaper cryptic 4 tess 29th June 2010, 14:00
» by kemlo
d.mail 2 geedee 29th June 2010, 13:28
» by geedee
local newspaper crossword 4 tess 29th June 2010, 12:46
» by tess
Guardian Genius 84 4 problem chimp 29th June 2010, 11:19
» by problem chimp
Times Jumbo 4 val 29th June 2010, 10:32
» by colin (swansea jack)
ATHENS NEWS CRYPTIC 5 stavrolexia 29th June 2010, 09:26
» by ajt
12 letter word meaning colourful storage. 4 caiie 29th June 2010, 08:16
» by ajt
Irish News Cryptic Sat 3 emma b 29th June 2010, 08:12
» by emma b
Caravan Club Magazine 2 stuart 29th June 2010, 07:23
» by stuart
MoS C/W No; 666 9 rufina 29th June 2010, 06:40
» by the joker
You Mag 1184 2 marilyn 29th June 2010, 00:13
» by marilyn
sayings ,films,facts etc 8 marge 28th June 2010, 23:09
» by the joker
ALL TO DO WITH 5'S 5 jaybe 28th June 2010, 23:01
» by jaybe
Azed 1987 9 jane5 28th June 2010, 22:37
» by trevor
wee stinker 4 claudie 28th June 2010, 22:08
» by terry
everyman 3326 11 dianne 28th June 2010, 21:52
» by trevor
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