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Sunday Life 2 rl 4th July 2010, 11:59
» by rl
RTE Guide No 27 Clue 18 ? 7 kieran 4th July 2010, 11:47
» by sammi
Times2 Jumbo 878 5 annied 4th July 2010, 11:29
» by helena
Sunday Times 4388 4 xwordman 4th July 2010, 11:28
» by caroleb
Mephisto 2601 3 tony 4th July 2010, 11:01
» by k
jumbotimes878 2 trescinnia 4th July 2010, 11:01
» by jr
Times jumbo 878 5 anna 4th July 2010, 10:54
» by anna
Times jumbo 878 6 tynemouthbee 4th July 2010, 10:53
» by annied
Help please - Driving me mad! 4 lee 4th July 2010, 10:40
» by lee
Sat times 24.580 2 april 4th July 2010, 09:27
» by k
times jumbo 878 3 des 4th July 2010, 09:25
» by des
Sunday Express Skeleton 6 alan 4th July 2010, 08:45
» by crypto
times878 2 rosie 4th July 2010, 08:31
» by kookaburra
From my local paper 2 pooksahib 4th July 2010, 08:05
» by pooksahib
daily mail giant (sat) 2 benjamin 4th July 2010, 07:52
» by benjamin
Sat Daily Record 2 gran 4th July 2010, 00:24
» by gran
Times Jumbo 878 Cryptic 8 bluemoon2 4th July 2010, 00:16
» by mamya
Films 6 bigfoot 3rd July 2010, 23:36
» by bigfoot
Word that can go in front 7 jerry 3rd July 2010, 23:13
» by jerry
Sat Times 24580 3 anne 3rd July 2010, 23:11
» by anne
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