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Odd one out & why 10 jerry 1st July 2010, 08:49
» by jimc
body parts 18 kay 1st July 2010, 08:28
» by crypto
cryptics (again) 1 lorna 1st July 2010, 04:51
» by mary jo
cryptic 1 lorna 30th June 2010, 23:38
» by mark
Tues Daily Record 1 mllie 30th June 2010, 23:27
» by alan
Answers are connected to WW2 3 chuckle 30th June 2010, 23:13
» by helena
tgint 2 grrrrid 30th June 2010, 23:07
» by jimc
all the other answers are to do with mental,crazy,mad etc 10 jumag 30th June 2010, 22:47
» by jumag
sayings,films,facts etc 6 marge 30th June 2010, 21:14
» by crypto
Daily Mail Cryptic 30/6 6 paul h 30th June 2010, 18:20
» by paul h
Daily Mail 3 megan 30th June 2010, 17:36
» by megan
Tues daily record 3 karen 30th June 2010, 16:48
» by ajt
WI Life Cryptic 3 paul h 30th June 2010, 15:42
» by paul h
FT 13442 2 chloe 30th June 2010, 15:42
» by chloe
D.Mail 1 geedee 30th June 2010, 14:35
» by aljanon
Last one! 2 peta 30th June 2010, 14:33
» by peta
times cryptic 24577 3 sallyw 30th June 2010, 12:37
» by sallyw
cryptic 3 lorna 30th June 2010, 11:53
» by kemlo
Times codeword 872 30/06/10 2 shirley 30th June 2010, 11:46
» by shirley
ST 4387 2 paul 30th June 2010, 11:33
» by paul
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