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flowers and butterflies 1 jonah 4th July 2010, 22:03
» by helena
who am I? 1 gandalph 4th July 2010, 22:01
» by jimc
mephisto 2601 2 sallyw 4th July 2010, 21:50
» by sallyw
Girls names for garden plants 7 billie 4th July 2010, 20:51
» by billie
small savoury dish 3 rabbit 4th July 2010, 20:49
» by rabbit
Scotland on Sunday #1139 4 john (from arran) 4th July 2010, 20:47
» by chris
Adventure Film Titles 10 jerry 4th July 2010, 20:37
» by jerry
MoS 'Sir Lancelot' 431 5 luckyeight 4th July 2010, 20:10
» by the joker
Sunday Telegraph Cryptic 2543 2 aristotle 4th July 2010, 19:38
» by aristotle
MOS 2 norma 4th July 2010, 19:19
» by norma
Times jumbo 878 cryptic 3 val 4th July 2010, 19:10
» by sammy
Baffer 223 2 old tom 4th July 2010, 19:06
» by old tom
cryptic teasers 2 quizmad 4th July 2010, 18:41
» by quizmad
Baffler 223 2 old tom 4th July 2010, 18:04
» by old tom
st4388 12 jo 4th July 2010, 17:52
» by peter
times 878 cryptic 9 aud 4th July 2010, 17:41
» by aud
The Week 704 4 ruth 4th July 2010, 17:41
» by ruth
you magazine crossword 4.7,10 2 mary 4th July 2010, 17:11
» by dan'l
Mephisto 2601 3 banana 4th July 2010, 16:58
» by banana
Sunday Life 3 luckyone 4th July 2010, 16:52
» by luckone
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