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MEPHISTO 2601 6 bob 6th July 2010, 07:32
» by ajt
times cryptic 24581 8 sallyw 5th July 2010, 22:52
» by twm
Modern Films 11 chuckle 5th July 2010, 22:14
» by the joker
cryptic general knowledge 2 quizmad 5th July 2010, 21:26
» by quizmad
Daily Mail - 1 to get 5 pooksahib 5th July 2010, 20:30
» by pooksahib
mos lancelot 431. 6 krisstoff 5th July 2010, 19:22
» by terry
Rhyming Quiz 6 polly dee 5th July 2010, 19:14
» by boobun
Down on the farm quiz 1 perky 5th July 2010, 17:33
» by twm
Who am I describing 9 jerry 5th July 2010, 17:29
» by jerry
mos lancelot crossword no 431 4 krisstoff 5th July 2010, 17:26
» by krisstoff.
guardian 25053 5 tyrell 5th July 2010, 17:13
» by tyrell
Saturday July 3rd - £500 Xword 4 chris 5th July 2010, 16:36
» by chris
times jumbo 878 cryptic 0 cockney 5th July 2010, 15:49
» by cockney
Times Cryptic 878 Why Kursaal? 3 caroline 5th July 2010, 15:11
» by dorsetjan
RTE Guide 2 wondering 5th July 2010, 15:01
» by wondering
Everyman 3327 9 jonno 5th July 2010, 14:52
» by jonno
st4388 2 dandelion 5th July 2010, 14:34
» by dandelion
Saturday's Herald no 299 3 jinty 5th July 2010, 14:23
» by jinty
Wee Stinker 2 sue 5th July 2010, 13:52
» by sue
Sat DR crossword 1 joe 90 5th July 2010, 13:34
» by chrisg
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