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Topic Replies Started by Last post
cryptic help please 9 tom 7th November 2010, 10:29
» by tom
Times 896 1 reedy 7th November 2010, 10:20
» by trevor
Times 2 2 7th November 2010, 10:18
» by trevor
RTE Guide No 45 11 kieros 7th November 2010, 10:12
» by trevor
Caravan Club Crossword November 2 pam 7th November 2010, 09:51
» by pam
daily record crossword 6th nov 2 anne 7th November 2010, 09:44
» by anne
Times 24,688 2 paul 7th November 2010, 09:31
» by paul
Times 2 Jumbo 896 2 wenda 7th November 2010, 09:28
» by wenda
The Skeleton Again! 2 alan 7th November 2010, 09:05
» by alan
on the road 3 cherub19 7th November 2010, 07:42
» by cherub
Mephisto 2619 3 graham 7th November 2010, 06:39
» by graham
Mephisto 2619 17d 3 mh 7th November 2010, 03:32
» by mh
HELP GET READY 4 drey 7th November 2010, 01:15
» by the joker
daily record mag. 2 jean 7th November 2010, 00:00
» by saintee
lets be nice 3 ixion 6th November 2010, 23:38
» by b
not again 3 terry 6th November 2010, 23:30
» by b
tel. 26391. 4 pete 6th November 2010, 23:26
» by pete
COME ON SOLVE 0 sue 6th November 2010, 23:13
» by sue
I AM A BIT F A SADDO DUMBO TONIGHT 0 drey 6th November 2010, 22:55
» by drey
times jumbo cryptic 896 6 annie 6th November 2010, 22:48
» by annie
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