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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Crossword No. 187 12d 2 brian 6th November 2010, 20:40
» by brian
guardian 25161 10 tyrell 6th November 2010, 20:38
» by ixion
Times 24688 2 manxman 6th November 2010, 20:11
» by manxman
dingbat song titles 1 quizmad 6th November 2010, 19:53
» by suziem
cryptic help please 2 todd 6th November 2010, 19:18
» by ixion
Times cryptic Oct 8 6 val 6th November 2010, 18:50
» by val
Local cryptic crossword 1 hilary 6th November 2010, 18:32
» by sammy
Times Jumbo 896 Saturday 6/11/10 3 graham b 6th November 2010, 18:27
» by margaret howard
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 6 claire 6th November 2010, 18:21
» by claire
polymath 578 8 oldham 6th November 2010, 18:03
» by oldham
daily record mag 2 megamargare 6th November 2010, 17:56
» by ixion
times jumbo 896 10 kevin 6th November 2010, 17:47
» by kevin
times2 jumbo896 3 stp 6th November 2010, 17:33
» by stp
Times Cryptic 24688 2 tonyh 6th November 2010, 17:32
» by tonyh
Things you see on a road journey 17 billie 6th November 2010, 17:19
» by stp
Times 2 jumbo 896 1 janebb 6th November 2010, 16:26
» by ajt
Times jumbo 896 3 liesl 6th November 2010, 15:52
» by liesl
Times 896 8 paula 6th November 2010, 15:04
» by paula
local rag 3 zippy 6th November 2010, 14:35
» by zippy
Shapes & size anagram 4 bigfoot 6th November 2010, 14:13
» by bigfoot
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