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Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 8th November 2010, 15:23
» by pooksahib
Daily Mail 4 megan 8th November 2010, 15:16
» by megan
Daily Mail 5 megan 8th November 2010, 15:00
» by trevor
wee stinker 2 norm 8th November 2010, 14:42
» by norm
MoS 1,203 4 em 8th November 2010, 14:34
» by em
times 2 896 2 eileen 8th November 2010, 14:05
» by eileen
times jumbo 896 3 diane 8th November 2010, 13:40
» by amy
fishing 4 bob 8th November 2010, 13:10
» by bob
last one!! 2 billy,naas 8th November 2010, 13:02
» by billy,naas
Mephisto 2619 19 dandelion 8th November 2010, 12:41
» by emf
Mephisto 2617 12 sudokulover 8th November 2010, 12:36
» by maisie
times cryptic 24689 10 sallyw 8th November 2010, 12:33
» by sallyw
ST 4406 5 dumbo 8th November 2010, 12:29
» by dumbi
WEE STINKER 3 bigred 8th November 2010, 12:16
» by norm
it bores me in the back. local cryptic 4 casita 8th November 2010, 11:59
» by emf
ST4406 3 janice 8th November 2010, 11:40
» by harrhy
The Times Crossword 24688 (6th Nov. 2010) 3 ian macpherson 8th November 2010, 10:46
» by ian macpherson
Help needed! Times 5302 6 maggie back from oz 8th November 2010, 10:12
» by ian
Last few clues 11 amy 8th November 2010, 09:28
» by amy
everyman3345 3 bert 8th November 2010, 09:05
» by trevor
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