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DT 26,391 4 paul 6th November 2010, 22:45
» by paul
im really lost and need help 2 doug 6th November 2010, 22:44
» by ???
DT 26,391 3 tamz 6th November 2010, 22:40
» by tamz
Daily Record crossword 2 aa 6th November 2010, 22:36
» by aa
ok this is it 5 stan 6th November 2010, 22:34
» by bigd
YoU Mag. C/W N0; 1203 2 rufina 6th November 2010, 22:20
» by ming
times 896 cryptic 2 paul 6th November 2010, 22:13
» by crypto
cryptic 5 todd 6th November 2010, 22:13
» by todd
problems with my last one 6 tracey 6th November 2010, 22:06
» by tracey
Guardian Prize 13 cafca 6th November 2010, 22:04
» by ohcelt
Crossword No. 187 16D 5 brian 6th November 2010, 21:57
» by brian
times jumbo cryptic 896 2 annie 6th November 2010, 21:50
» by miranda1
cryptic 896 2 joe 6th November 2010, 21:47
» by joe
cryptic 4 donna 6th November 2010, 21:44
» by ming
daily record £500 crosword 2 trez 6th November 2010, 21:39
» by big dave
896 cryptic 2 francis 6th November 2010, 21:36
» by francis
Sat TImes 24688 4 tir eoghain 6th November 2010, 21:24
» by tir eoghain
daily Record £500 crossword 1 supergran 6th November 2010, 21:22
» by ming
cryptic probs 2 doug 6th November 2010, 20:48
» by ixion
Crossword No. 187 20a 3 brian 6th November 2010, 20:47
» by brian
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