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Daily Mail 5th 3 megan 5th November 2010, 19:26
» by megan
Friday crusader 3 t 5th November 2010, 18:38
» by t
suday times cryptic 4 casita 5th November 2010, 17:37
» by casita
footwear anagram 3 bigfoot 5th November 2010, 17:10
» by bigfoot
Nations & Nationalities 4 ella 5th November 2010, 16:50
» by ella
Times2 Jumbo 0ct 30th 1 paula 5th November 2010, 16:49
» by fred
FT 13530 2 chloe 5th November 2010, 15:29
» by chloe
D.Mail 4th Nov 28 emf 5th November 2010, 15:13
» by terry
4 gs on the tc 1 chris wright 5th November 2010, 14:36
» by emf
rhyming quiz 3 esmeralda 5th November 2010, 14:23
» by esmeralda
d m 4/11 2 blue moon 5th November 2010, 13:13
» by blue moon
clue 3 bolt 5th November 2010, 07:58
» by emf
Spectator 1989 26 graham 4th November 2010, 20:34
» by hypothesese
mephisto 2618 4 sallyw 4th November 2010, 19:35
» by ixion
Great Brain Quiz 3 henry 4th November 2010, 18:35
» by bj
FT crossword no13553 2 sallyw 4th November 2010, 16:17
» by silly boy
times cryptic 24686 2 sallyw 4th November 2010, 15:02
» by sallyw
Great Brain Quiz 20 helen 4th November 2010, 14:47
» by bill
times cryptic 24686 2 sallyw 4th November 2010, 14:37
» by sallyw
Famous John's 5 marge 4th November 2010, 12:16
» by turast
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