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i cryptic Friday 13th 2 bertie 15th May 2011, 07:01
» by bertie
Melbourne Age Cryptic 16 misko 15th May 2011, 06:05
» by misko
Sat Tel £500 Crossword 2 mo 15th May 2011, 01:50
» by mo
times cryptic 925 sorry forgot 2 m.o.m.o 14th May 2011, 23:53
» by bluemoon2
dr £500 x word 16 beth 14th May 2011, 22:20
» by beth
EP Cryptic 2 kelly 14th May 2011, 22:17
» by kelly
Daily Telegraph Prize Crossword 26,552 4 sandy 14th May 2011, 22:10
» by sandy
Really stuck 3 dave 14th May 2011, 22:01
» by dave
The Herald (Glasgow) GK 14/5 8 andyb 14th May 2011, 21:40
» by tonyw
third try for times cryptic 925 1 m.o.m.o 14th May 2011, 21:33
» by tonyw
1st lady 2 ann 14th May 2011, 21:21
» by sinead
16-> into 2 sinead 14th May 2011, 21:13
» by sinead
Sat Tel 26,552 26A 1 geoff marbella 14th May 2011, 20:48
» by dandelion
Guardian 25322 3 jinjamiki 14th May 2011, 20:42
» by jinjamiki
anagram 4 sinead 14th May 2011, 20:28
» by sinead
DR the Big One 3 megamargare 14th May 2011, 20:20
» by megamargare
24849, last two 4 smiffy 14th May 2011, 20:18
» by smiffy
cryptic 925 7 joe 14th May 2011, 19:53
» by joe
sat daily record 1 anne 14th May 2011, 19:45
» by chris
the sun 11 stu 14th May 2011, 19:30
» by suki
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