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Sunday Times 4435 4 grace 29th May 2011, 12:09
» by grace
Everyman 3,374 3 enda 29th May 2011, 11:54
» by enda
Beelzebub 1110 2 colina 29th May 2011, 11:50
» by ken
Sunday Times 4435 4 fred 29th May 2011, 11:45
» by rachel
Times Jumbo Cryptic 927 5 paulo 29th May 2011, 11:22
» by m.o.m.o
Guardian 25,334 - Please help! 7 helen 29th May 2011, 11:14
» by helen
Stuck 1 duncan 29th May 2011, 11:07
» by jazz
times 2 crossword May 28th stuck again !! 2 sally hampden 29th May 2011, 11:05
» by paul
Times 2 May 28th stuck !! 3 sally hampden 29th May 2011, 10:56
» by ajt
Everyman 3374 2 jonno 29th May 2011, 10:51
» by jonno
Skeleton 1 cazzy 29th May 2011, 10:31
» by chald
DT 26,564 11ac Last one Help!! 3 cindy 29th May 2011, 10:09
» by makada509
Sat Telegraph 28th May 13d 2 msy 29th May 2011, 10:06
» by makada509
Hidden Town 2 bobbin 29th May 2011, 10:01
» by ajt
times 927 25 across 2 amanda wilson 29th May 2011, 09:55
» by ab
High Street Stores 6 jane 29th May 2011, 09:43
» by jane
Last clue 4 lindsay 29th May 2011, 08:18
» by ajt
Times jumbo 927 2 harry 29th May 2011, 08:17
» by harry
Solwyn follow-up 4 mjp 29th May 2011, 07:26
» by mjp
Guardian Cryptic 25,334 4 mjp 29th May 2011, 07:22
» by mjp
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