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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Lovatts May Demon 1 trish 29th May 2011, 05:53
» by samak
Lovatts May Demon 1 trish 29th May 2011, 05:52
» by samak
Finding help 8 tig 29th May 2011, 02:31
» by paul
50a times2 927 2 anna 29th May 2011, 01:54
» by anna
Cryptic 3 ali 29th May 2011, 01:08
» by def
DT 26,558 2 richard 29th May 2011, 01:07
» by dick
Last clues times cryptic 927 5 themood 29th May 2011, 01:01
» by jill
times 24836 2 hattie 29th May 2011, 00:58
» by jill
times jumbo 927 2 gerry 29th May 2011, 00:43
» by sorcha
Independent 7676 Nimrod 2 maggie 29th May 2011, 00:30
» by maggie
TIMES 927 4 tim 29th May 2011, 00:20
» by sorcha
Thanks to chrisg for ans. last wk. I forgot! 1 chris 29th May 2011, 00:07
» by eden
DT 26,564 19dn 2 lynda james 29th May 2011, 00:03
» by lynda james
Got the answer but do not understand Tel 26564 5 mary 28th May 2011, 22:52
» by mary
DT 26,564 4 sandy 28th May 2011, 22:49
» by sandy
Times 24861 19dn 1 theambler 28th May 2011, 22:31
» by tonyw
Times cryptic 927 3 rosalind 28th May 2011, 22:30
» by rosalind
times 927 2 john 28th May 2011, 22:29
» by john
Times 24861 3 paul 28th May 2011, 22:25
» by theambler
Every week -cryptic 927 4 smiffy 28th May 2011, 22:12
» by smiffy
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