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Daily Mail 2 megan 30th May 2011, 14:24
» by megan
Places in Great Britain 6 julianne 30th May 2011, 14:20
» by julianne
Independent on Sunday 29th May 1 sisyphus 30th May 2011, 14:19
» by puzzler
D MAIL PLEASE HELP 3 lisa 30th May 2011, 14:06
» by chrisg
Everyman 3374 3 lj 30th May 2011, 14:01
» by chrisg
Sunday Times cryptic 4435 2 gaperon 30th May 2011, 13:41
» by gaperon
ok shall i come back 4 val 30th May 2011, 13:28
» by chris peacock
Band Names 1960's - present day 29 tracy 30th May 2011, 12:45
» by tracy
Times Jumbo 927 3 barry 30th May 2011, 12:29
» by barry
Local cryptic. 2 enda 30th May 2011, 11:51
» by enda
Times2 Jumbo 927 4 wendyj 30th May 2011, 11:47
» by wendyj
Times Cryptic 927 2 rosalind 30th May 2011, 11:46
» by rosalind
urgent 4 jar 30th May 2011, 11:41
» by silly boy
i cryptic 91 2 erica 30th May 2011, 11:30
» by erica
Sat Times 24861 3 tir eoghain 30th May 2011, 11:21
» by tir eoghain
DM Mon 3 smb 30th May 2011, 11:07
» by smb
Times jumbo 927 last few! 4 lucy 30th May 2011, 10:47
» by jim messenger
Irish News 4 anne 30th May 2011, 10:45
» by anne
DM Mon 6 smb 30th May 2011, 10:45
» by smb
daily mail today 3 pauline 30th May 2011, 10:39
» by pauline
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