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times2 927 2 rosemary 30th May 2011, 10:38
» by rosemary
Times Cryptic 927 2 helenb 30th May 2011, 10:33
» by helenb
Times 24,862 2 neilm 30th May 2011, 10:31
» by neilm
S.Times 4435 2 peter 30th May 2011, 10:14
» by ajt
sitcoms 2 mary 30th May 2011, 09:55
» by mary
MOS Prize 2 megan 30th May 2011, 09:24
» by megan
FT 13,706 4 puzzler 30th May 2011, 09:16
» by puzzler
times2 21st May 2 betty 30th May 2011, 08:27
» by betty
everyman3374 1 bert 30th May 2011, 08:19
» by chrisg
telegraph 26,564 2 nytram 30th May 2011, 02:05
» by nytram
everyman 3374 3 bert 30th May 2011, 01:04
» by jimmy
trevor you there? 1 val 30th May 2011, 00:50
» by muriel
You mag MOS 1232 4 needin to sleep 30th May 2011, 00:38
» by paul
Literary questions 6 bobbin 29th May 2011, 23:29
» by trevor
Understanding the answers 5 andrew 29th May 2011, 23:00
» by terry
DT 26562 - 6 Down 5 almo 29th May 2011, 22:38
» by tonyw
Sat Daily Record 4 millie 29th May 2011, 22:25
» by millie
Need help solving. 4 harry 29th May 2011, 22:14
» by harry
last clue needed 2 thickie 29th May 2011, 22:09
» by thickie
Dr sat 28th 5 gran 29th May 2011, 22:03
» by gran
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