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s times 1210 1 kate 29th May 2011, 17:20
» by ab
Cryptic is Cryptic and Times2 is Times2 6 merryphil 29th May 2011, 17:04
» by tommy
SL cryptic 2 stumped 29th May 2011, 17:01
» by stumped
Times 927 3 susi 29th May 2011, 16:43
» by susi
Bunthorne Cryptic 8 nick 29th May 2011, 16:38
» by johnb
Times 927 2 susi 29th May 2011, 16:34
» by susi
Everyman 3374 8d 3 cericb 29th May 2011, 16:03
» by cerib
sunday mail seven days 2 cheanie 29th May 2011, 16:02
» by jean
926 38A Lacking in Depth 2 lindsey 29th May 2011, 15:56
» by rl
Saturday Times2 clues 927 41 down 4 annied 29th May 2011, 15:44
» by annied
sir lancelot. 6 gareth 29th May 2011, 15:43
» by jim
Sunday World XW 3 kate 29th May 2011, 15:29
» by kate
Times. 4435. last 2. 4 ron. 29th May 2011, 15:28
» by john
TIMES4435 5 john 29th May 2011, 15:00
» by john
Bunthorne Cryptic 4 nick 29th May 2011, 15:00
» by nick
MOS 1,232 2 jennifer 29th May 2011, 14:56
» by jennifer
Times 24,861 6 tim 29th May 2011, 14:47
» by tim
Cryptic help! 2 joxer 29th May 2011, 14:43
» by joxer
mail on sunday prize crossword 2 mark 29th May 2011, 14:25
» by mark
Sunday Times 4435 25 across 3 caro 29th May 2011, 14:23
» by caro
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