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Swansea Post Cryptic 3 colin (swansea jack) 4th June 2011, 19:24
» by colin (swansea jack)
times 2 Jumbo 4 kenbart 4th June 2011, 19:10
» by jodac
Music groups and singers 4 jean 4th June 2011, 19:09
» by jean
times 2 2 jodac 4th June 2011, 18:57
» by jodac
FT 13,711 2 mama 4th June 2011, 18:48
» by mama
sat record 2 nanashelper 4th June 2011, 18:42
» by shambo 46
17 ac 3 times24867 4th June 2011, 18:35
» by c
times cryptic 928 4 mootoo 4th June 2011, 18:21
» by mootoo
times jumbo 928 cryptic 9 mrp 4th June 2011, 17:43
» by mootoo
RADIO TIMES PRIZE CROSSWORD WEEK23 2011 19 wee jock 4th June 2011, 17:36
» by big h
Times 24867 2 dandelion 4th June 2011, 17:01
» by dandelion
Dundee Courier Cryptic 5 joval 4th June 2011, 16:59
» by chald
times 2 jumbo 4/06 15 barry 4th June 2011, 16:41
» by elizabeth
times 2 928 2 lesley and dad 4th June 2011, 16:09
» by tommy
Times24867 3 vincelegrau 4th June 2011, 15:47
» by vincelegrau
times 2 928 4 pauline 4th June 2011, 14:55
» by pauline
Another Guardian 25340 query 2 het 4th June 2011, 14:45
» by het
Herald sport 6 john 4th June 2011, 14:40
» by john
I Have A Jumble Words 5 aijaz 4th June 2011, 14:34
» by the joker
Herald GK Xword - last one 2 jaybee 4th June 2011, 14:21
» by jaybee
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