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SUNDAY POST CRYPTIC 2 tom 5th June 2011, 15:57
» by chald
A Thoroughly bad lot 11 lizzie 5th June 2011, 15:51
» by paulmanrique007
Times Jumbo 928 non cryptic 2 heather396 5th June 2011, 15:43
» by heather396
Times24867 4 pat 5th June 2011, 15:35
» by pat
Times 24867 4 jenny 5th June 2011, 15:27
» by john
Mail on Sunday no 715 and no 246 3 des 5th June 2011, 15:22
» by ab
Times 24.867 4 john 5th June 2011, 15:18
» by john
cryptic crossword 2 tricia 5th June 2011, 15:13
» by tricia
Independent on Sun, prize crossword 2 chips 5th June 2011, 15:12
» by chips
sevendays xword ,sunday mail 9 beth 5th June 2011, 15:06
» by lr
Guardian Puck 25,340 5 pezbuin 5th June 2011, 14:57
» by .
sunday bus zword 2 mary 5th June 2011, 14:54
» by ab
sun bus post xword 4 alicia 5th June 2011, 14:48
» by alicia
SIR LANCLOT 2 john 5th June 2011, 14:44
» by john
times 2 928 2 carol 5th June 2011, 14:37
» by hgk
ST 4436 4 puzzled2 5th June 2011, 14:15
» by puzzled 2
Sunday Ind.... "SR for..." meaning 0 alfaken 5th June 2011, 14:04
» by alfaken
Everyman 3,375 7 neil 5th June 2011, 14:02
» by neil
The i No 97 3 sejanus4thsdad 5th June 2011, 13:51
» by sejanus4thsdad
EP Cryptic - Last 1 3 kelly 5th June 2011, 13:40
» by kelly
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