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cryptic crossword 3 tricia 4th June 2011, 10:03
» by roc
farmers journal 16 cecil allen 4th June 2011, 09:46
» by machloop
D. Tel. 3 jimbo 4th June 2011, 09:42
» by jimbo
London Underground Stations 20 puzzled 3rd June 2011, 22:58
» by trevor
COUNTRY LIFE-Cryptic 4183 10 jamie 3rd June 2011, 20:26
» by jamie
DM Fri 2 daisy 3rd June 2011, 20:07
» by daisy
DM fri 3 knittingnanna 3rd June 2011, 19:18
» by knittingnanna
i cryptic 97 5 ava 3rd June 2011, 19:09
» by tonyw
Cumbrian place names 6 audrey 3rd June 2011, 18:56
» by julie, aberdeen
DM fri 7 monkey 3rd June 2011, 17:42
» by emf
st4435 3 pweetz 3rd June 2011, 17:37
» by pweetz
RTE 23 4 daffy m 3rd June 2011, 15:31
» by jolan
DT 26549 24a and 14D 7 carol 3rd June 2011, 13:29
» by carol
ST 4433 2 therogue 3rd June 2011, 13:03
» by therogue
i cryptic 97 3 bella 3rd June 2011, 11:45
» by bella
Guardian Cryptic by Orlando 1 rob 3rd June 2011, 10:54
» by elephant
stuck 7 blue moon 3rd June 2011, 10:46
» by pastille
Times 24,866 5 neilm 3rd June 2011, 10:46
» by neilm
Help 3 blue moon 3rd June 2011, 10:19
» by my
Club Monthly 20129 25d 2 mh 3rd June 2011, 09:45
» by mh
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