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Just me 14 tonyw 2nd June 2011, 15:22
» by guastafeste
Quiz 2 johnhy 2nd June 2011, 15:20
» by johnhy
D Mail 7 mikebea 2nd June 2011, 15:02
» by gareth
DR TUES 4 anna 2nd June 2011, 14:28
» by anna
times cryptic 24865 4 sallyw 2nd June 2011, 14:17
» by sallyw
Times 24,865 10 neilm 2nd June 2011, 12:55
» by samak
DM THURS 2 smb 2nd June 2011, 12:44
» by smb
Yours Magazine 2 joe 90 2nd June 2011, 12:44
» by joe 90
DM THURS 7 smb 2nd June 2011, 12:03
» by smb
TLS 880 14 across 2 rony 2nd June 2011, 11:06
» by rony
Having bother. 11 jinty. 2nd June 2011, 10:54
» by jinty
Picture Mag 1187 9 qwerty55 2nd June 2011, 10:07
» by qwerty55
times jumbo cryptic 927 42ac 8 theambler 2nd June 2011, 09:56
» by barking dog
Witness cryptic, help please 3 mary 2nd June 2011, 09:19
» by mary
Last few clues 6 amy 2nd June 2011, 09:11
» by amy
Tues Record 3 beau 1st June 2011, 23:28
» by beau
help with crossword. 3 patricia 1st June 2011, 23:08
» by patricia
daily mail Tues 4 blue moon 1st June 2011, 23:01
» by blue moon
D.R. Tues 3 gran 1st June 2011, 22:27
» by chelle
Local paper cryptic 4 smb 1st June 2011, 22:02
» by caravaggio
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