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water quiz 3 dianab 3rd June 2011, 09:44
» by neilm
sir lancelot 29th May17d. 5 viv 3rd June 2011, 08:49
» by viv
Simple Guidelines To Use This Site 57 mamya 3rd June 2011, 07:36
» by mary
Spectator 28 june 3rd June 2011, 00:44
» by ixion
famous old crossword clue 16 paul 3rd June 2011, 00:38
» by samak
Cryptic clue 2 mia 3rd June 2011, 00:28
» by jasper
CLUELESS 10...come on! you know you want to! 81 pastille 2nd June 2011, 23:50
» by chald
Caravan Club Mag June Crossword 5 lynnie 2nd June 2011, 22:38
» by tonyw
Psst..tonyw...I don'tget it? 2 pastille 2nd June 2011, 22:11
» by pastille
Local paper cryptic 5 smb 2nd June 2011, 20:38
» by smb
quiz 3 kettins kath 2nd June 2011, 20:38
» by kettins kath
times 921 2 hattie 2nd June 2011, 18:17
» by hattie
times 2 5464 2 eileen 2nd June 2011, 18:04
» by i am not eileen
Cryptic, help? 3 bud 2nd June 2011, 17:54
» by bud
Times Cryptic explanation needed 3 blanca 2nd June 2011, 17:26
» by blanca
Times 2 xword 5477 31/5/11 6 tulip 2nd June 2011, 17:22
» by js
Local cryptic. 2 enda 2nd June 2011, 17:06
» by enda
EV 969 8 tew 2nd June 2011, 16:19
» by tew
help please? 4 jimmac 2nd June 2011, 15:40
» by jimmac
Times 24865 3 vincelegrau 2nd June 2011, 15:40
» by vincelegrau
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