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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Times Jumbo Cryptic 928 3 ally 6th June 2011, 05:26
» by turast
annoyed by no clues 13 tonyw 6th June 2011, 02:14
» by sallyw
LAST 2 CLUES TIMES 2 "HELP!!" 3 andrew lea 6th June 2011, 01:10
» by chald
D Day Anniversary 3 turast 6th June 2011, 01:08
» by trevor
Times cryptic 928 2 somesoldiers 6th June 2011, 00:16
» by somesoldiers
what are people on in the forum tonight? 14 val 6th June 2011, 00:02
» by lyselokker
Azed 2,036 12 minnie 5th June 2011, 23:59
» by minnie
Irish Daily Mail 2 peig 5th June 2011, 22:58
» by peig
HERALD SAT 4.6.11 4 denzel 5th June 2011, 22:39
» by denzel
Cryptic, help last three 3 nina 5th June 2011, 22:37
» by nina
why not friends? 1 val 5th June 2011, 22:20
» by tonyw
Sat Daily Record 7 linda 5th June 2011, 22:02
» by nanashelper
Irish news cryptic 2 paulc 5th June 2011, 21:51
» by paulc
problems with the frying pan 2 2bobtommy 5th June 2011, 21:38
» by sallyw
AZED 2036 3 georgew 5th June 2011, 21:32
» by georgew
928 cryptic 4 francis 5th June 2011, 21:18
» by francis
Dundee Courier Cryptic 2 joval 5th June 2011, 21:17
» by joval
ST 4436 5 joe 90 5th June 2011, 20:47
» by ajh
S. Times+ 2 angela 5th June 2011, 20:39
» by angela
guardian 25,340 6 dave 5th June 2011, 20:34
» by jpc
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