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EV970 5 mick s 7th June 2011, 16:47
» by tew
Sunday Mail Sir Lancelot 8 francis 7th June 2011, 16:46
» by megan
sunday mail £100 crossword 3 janet 7th June 2011, 16:24
» by janet
myths and legends 3 gardener 7th June 2011, 15:56
» by quizmad
DM Tues 3 cazzer2 7th June 2011, 15:08
» by cazzer2
TIMES2 CROSSWORD STUCK 6 andrew lea 7th June 2011, 15:04
» by rob
everyman 3375 1 lily 7th June 2011, 14:52
» by bullfrog
evryman 3375 2 lily 7th June 2011, 14:24
» by chald
everyman 3375 3 lily 7th June 2011, 14:23
» by chald
DM TUE 6 pip 7th June 2011, 14:00
» by pip
mirror crossword 2 mark 7th June 2011, 13:23
» by mark
Guardian Tuesday 1 rob 7th June 2011, 13:12
» by rob
DR Tuesday 2 babs 7th June 2011, 13:01
» by babs
DM TUES 2 smb 7th June 2011, 12:58
» by smb
Times Club Monthly 20129 6 tommy 7th June 2011, 12:46
» by tommy
Daily record 6.6.11 3 clell 7th June 2011, 12:38
» by jazz
stuck 3 jinty 7th June 2011, 12:06
» by jinty
DM 11a 2 dudley 7th June 2011, 11:34
» by dudley
Crusader Jun 6 2 gina 7th June 2011, 11:29
» by gina
Daily record 7.6.11 1 clell 7th June 2011, 11:16
» by jolan
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