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times 2 no 928 2 ian walters 7th June 2011, 10:39
» by ian walters
cryptic 5 pat 7th June 2011, 10:21
» by pat
occasional cryptic trio 5 ixion 7th June 2011, 03:05
» by ixion
clue leads to a word containing the word 'jack' 17 jimbo 7th June 2011, 02:01
» by trevor
Trivia 9 anne 7th June 2011, 00:58
» by .
A proposal for the regulars 26 samak 7th June 2011, 00:40
» by pastille
rhyming quiz 5 mags 7th June 2011, 00:14
» by mags
Times 24868 5 mags 7th June 2011, 00:01
» by mags
Sunday Times 739 4 carmel 6th June 2011, 23:47
» by terry
Forms of transport 15 bigfoot 6th June 2011, 23:18
» by terry
mail today 25 blue moon 6th June 2011, 22:29
» by smb
songs 9 quizmad 6th June 2011, 21:40
» by havod
Times 928 2 natalie 6th June 2011, 21:40
» by natalie
Birds in Northumberland 2 amelia 6th June 2011, 21:37
» by amelia
club monthly 20129 8 tommy 6th June 2011, 21:32
» by bspark
National Post 3 viking1942 6th June 2011, 21:30
» by viking1942
films 20 quizmad 6th June 2011, 21:29
» by les40
Local paper cryptic 2 smb 6th June 2011, 21:29
» by smb
Times cryptic 6 val 6th June 2011, 20:57
» by trevor
DM Mon 14 marilyn 6th June 2011, 20:56
» by terry
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