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Local paper cryptic 3 smb 6th June 2011, 20:33
» by smb
Inquisitor 1180 4 keith 6th June 2011, 20:29
» by ripper
Times 928 3 susanna 6th June 2011, 20:16
» by susanna
RTE Guide No24 1 kate 6th June 2011, 19:42
» by terry
HELP!! 2 alison 6th June 2011, 19:38
» by qix
tls 881 19 down 2 rony 6th June 2011, 19:28
» by rony
A couple more please 1 jessiet 6th June 2011, 19:22
» by neilm
PB cryptic 4 pat 6th June 2011, 19:15
» by ab
Daily Express crossword 3 jessiet 6th June 2011, 18:55
» by terry
Myths & Legends 2 julianne 6th June 2011, 18:54
» by julianne
TIME2 CROSSWORD "STUCK" 3 andrew lea 6th June 2011, 18:32
» by dr hook
Where's Jolan? 2 wendy 6th June 2011, 17:36
» by wendy
TIMES 2 CLUES (STUCK) 6 andrew lea 6th June 2011, 17:07
» by flickydoo
Times Cryptic 928 7 ralph 6th June 2011, 17:00
» by dick i
Daily Mail 2 megan 6th June 2011, 16:42
» by megan
Mail..12Acr 3 mikebea 6th June 2011, 16:26
» by emf
Crossword clue 10 the stirrer 6th June 2011, 16:00
» by sallyw
Times Cryptic 928 5 rmleake 6th June 2011, 15:54
» by rmleake
times 2 5481 3 eileen 6th June 2011, 15:46
» by trevor
Indy cryptic 1 june 6th June 2011, 15:35
» by sudokulover
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