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Cryptic 2 laurag 26th June 2011, 21:20
» by laurag
Skeleton 5 caz 26th June 2011, 21:04
» by stronon
MOS crossword 1495 3 sara smith 26th June 2011, 20:58
» by sara smith
times2 jumbo 931 12 hunterbunter 26th June 2011, 20:51
» by vivian
EP Cryptic 2 kelly 26th June 2011, 20:44
» by francis
Cryptic 3 nina 26th June 2011, 20:19
» by nina
Dundee Courier Cryptic 3 tiffin 26th June 2011, 20:10
» by trevor
EP Cryptic 5 kelly 26th June 2011, 20:07
» by kelly
Radio Times 26 31 pipesmoker 26th June 2011, 20:00
» by pipesmoker
Times Jumbo 931 cryptic 2 granie 26th June 2011, 19:39
» by granie
Times Cryptic Jumbo 931 9 rmleake 26th June 2011, 19:33
» by molly
Mephisto 2652 9 tommyt 26th June 2011, 19:31
» by tony
The Prize Crossword No,1,495 Mail on Sunday 26June 2011 3 teresa50 26th June 2011, 19:23
» by trevor
Last Cryptic 5 pam 26th June 2011, 19:04
» by pam
Cars 3 epsh 26th June 2011, 19:00
» by les40
sevendays xword ,sunday mail 7 beth 26th June 2011, 18:59
» by beth
Local Cryptic 4 frank 26th June 2011, 18:40
» by frank
Independent on Sunday 3 mae 26th June 2011, 18:40
» by mae
? 2 viking1942 26th June 2011, 18:28
» by viking1942
times 2 no 5499 2 eileen 26th June 2011, 18:27
» by pipesmoker
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