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FT 13729 6d 4 jane 27th June 2011, 18:50
» by jane p
Times2 jumbo 931-help 4 twohoots 27th June 2011, 18:36
» by twohoots
Crusader 2 gina 27th June 2011, 18:32
» by gina
everyman3378 3 ljr 27th June 2011, 18:24
» by ljr
help for cryptic ( 2 please) 6 cana-da 27th June 2011, 17:54
» by cana-da
sunday crusader 3 ron 27th June 2011, 17:16
» by ron
SWEP cryptic crossword 16 abandoned restraint when one had unfastened locks "3 4 4 4 " 4 martynclark 27th June 2011, 16:57
» by martynclark
No clue 13 emf 27th June 2011, 16:56
» by emf
Crusader Sunday Express. 2 ron 27th June 2011, 16:46
» by ron
Sunday Post 2 jane3009k 27th June 2011, 16:31
» by jane3009k
times cryptic 931 6 molly 27th June 2011, 16:24
» by molly
Times cryptic 4 valroland 27th June 2011, 15:48
» by tonyw
everyman 3378 3 bulldog 27th June 2011, 15:16
» by bulldog
everyman3378 4 bulldog 27th June 2011, 15:05
» by bulldog
dm mon 2 jane 27th June 2011, 15:00
» by jane
TIMES JUMBO 2 931 5 yorkcity 27th June 2011, 14:13
» by yorkcity
Sunday Times 2 6 jilly 27th June 2011, 13:51
» by jilly
cant get this one 2 sargoe 27th June 2011, 13:36
» by sallyw
Local paper 4 sam 27th June 2011, 13:17
» by sam
mephisto 2652 2 nytram 27th June 2011, 13:04
» by nytram
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