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Writers,Dramatists and Poets (surnames) 8 amelia 28th June 2011, 16:45
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
dm Tues 4 knittingnanna 28th June 2011, 15:48
» by knittingnanna
daily mail cryptic 21 gareth 28th June 2011, 15:15
» by gordydundee
i paper No. 115 3 mikey 28th June 2011, 15:01
» by mikey
DR Tuesday 1 clell 28th June 2011, 12:39
» by aca
times cryptic 391 6 molly 28th June 2011, 11:56
» by rusty
sundat times 2 5 jilly potter 28th June 2011, 11:49
» by jilly potter
Stuck Sunday Mail. £100 x/word 4 jinty 28th June 2011, 10:06
» by jinty
stuck D/record Saturday 2 jinty 28th June 2011, 10:05
» by jinty
Guardian cryptic 25,359 2 mags 28th June 2011, 09:28
» by mags
Jumbo cryptic 931 2 gaperon 28th June 2011, 07:23
» by gaperon
mephisto 2652 21 greedy kite 28th June 2011, 03:51
» by greedy kite
daily mirror crossword 6 hypercat 27th June 2011, 23:55
» by hypercat
daily record saturday 12 andy from the well watp 27th June 2011, 23:08
» by andy from the 'well watp
Sat DR £500 Crossword 8 brenda 27th June 2011, 22:53
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
mephisto 2652 3 nytram 27th June 2011, 22:41
» by nytram
DR £500 7 kks 27th June 2011, 22:11
» by pipesmoker
The Week 754 6 petronella 27th June 2011, 22:09
» by petronella
Scot Sun Mail 3 millie 27th June 2011, 20:59
» by millie
DM Mon 5 knittingnanna 27th June 2011, 20:40
» by emf
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