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telegraph GK 13 jim 4th July 2011, 23:18
» by pastille
Inquisitor 1184 12 geoff a 4th July 2011, 22:33
» by geoff a
FT 13736 7 silly boy 4th July 2011, 21:58
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Generalist 7 april 4th July 2011, 21:52
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Everyman 3379 2 mikey 4th July 2011, 21:10
» by mikey
tls 885 13 across 3 rony 4th July 2011, 20:04
» by rony
everyman 3379 11 lily 4th July 2011, 19:53
» by pipesmoker
How's the new regime going? 34 the riddler 4th July 2011, 19:24
» by tonyw
Times jumbo cryptic 932 6 greenflash 4th July 2011, 19:19
» by pipesmoker
Wee stinker 21 jaybee 4th July 2011, 18:54
» by pipesmoker
VIZ Xword 1,4 down. 9 hallgreening 4th July 2011, 18:31
» by hallgreening
dm mon 6 jane 4th July 2011, 17:36
» by megan
EV 974 12 kreeves 4th July 2011, 17:17
» by tony
Guide No 27 9 kate 4th July 2011, 16:05
» by pipesmoker
FAO PIPESMOKER 23 barrycat 4th July 2011, 15:32
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
VIZ Xword-17 down; 22ac. 7 hallgreening 4th July 2011, 15:27
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
ST 4440 19a 4 howardblood 4th July 2011, 15:26
» by howardblood
mephisto 2653 4 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 4th July 2011, 15:17
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Cryptic Bands and Singers 3 besure 4th July 2011, 15:07
» by besure
gk crossword telegraph 12 joe 90 4th July 2011, 14:40
» by billy
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