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Sir Lancelot 2 francis 3rd July 2011, 17:43
» by francis
help 8 davidtomdavid 3rd July 2011, 17:43
» by paul
Diabolical DA in Melbourne Age 8 spoutsurfer 3rd July 2011, 17:19
» by trevor
Times 932 2 susanna 3rd July 2011, 17:05
» by susanna
Cryptic 932 2 smiffy 3rd July 2011, 16:22
» by smiffy
Mephisto 2653 6 hallgreening 3rd July 2011, 16:03
» by xwordfan
Araucaria's Desert Island Discs 3 bullfrog 3rd July 2011, 15:36
» by wendy
Herald Sun prize 1 dunderheid 3rd July 2011, 15:15
» by dunderheid
ST4440 4 vincelegrau 3rd July 2011, 15:08
» by vincelegrau
The Week 755 2 john doe 3rd July 2011, 15:06
» by john doe
Times2 1 vicky 3rd July 2011, 14:44
» by pipesmoker
Times 932 unexplained... 9 paul 3rd July 2011, 14:09
» by paul
DT26,594 8dn 6 linda.j 3rd July 2011, 14:07
» by linda.j
£500 daily record 1 malpat 3rd July 2011, 14:05
» by mamya
irish news 4 tom 3rd July 2011, 13:21
» by tom
irish news 2 tom 3rd July 2011, 13:20
» by tom
Cumbrian place names 14 charliebee 3rd July 2011, 13:18
» by charliebee
Belfast telegraph Sat July 2 2 kaybee 3rd July 2011, 13:18
» by tony
sunday post 2 babs 3rd July 2011, 13:16
» by babs
Mephisto 2653 11 tommyt 3rd July 2011, 13:02
» by chips
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