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daily mail cryptic. 1 gareth 7th July 2011, 10:15
» by gareth
Problems logging in 19 greedy kite 7th July 2011, 09:58
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Today's Times 24,894 4 gok wan acolytes 7th July 2011, 09:54
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Cryptic TV Shows 7 angie 7th July 2011, 09:39
» by angie
name of sweet, chocolate quiz 2 steve 7th July 2011, 02:28
» by dover
DM 23d 2 dudley 7th July 2011, 02:16
» by poppet
Times Cryptic 931 2 ralph 7th July 2011, 02:03
» by poppet
Azed 2040 4 germy 7th July 2011, 01:53
» by trevor
times 2 no 5505 2 eileen 7th July 2011, 01:52
» by watford
Genius 97 43 sudokulover 6th July 2011, 23:39
» by macgee
Times 24,894 15 shb2 6th July 2011, 23:39
» by tim
cryptic plants and flowers 12 hazelw 6th July 2011, 23:13
» by hazelw
To Jolan. 2 pipesmoker 6th July 2011, 20:58
» by jolan
Saga July 41 jolan 6th July 2011, 20:51
» by jolan
DM wed 6 monkey 6th July 2011, 19:54
» by megan
Outdoor and indoor activities 2 amelia 6th July 2011, 19:38
» by amelia
Local paper cryptic 1 smb 6th July 2011, 19:13
» by sammy
Scotsman 2932, 4d and 12a 5 jamoza 6th July 2011, 18:19
» by ab
Animal quiz 2 crosswordaddict 6th July 2011, 18:08
» by siamcat
Guardian cryptic 25,364 7 mags 6th July 2011, 17:50
» by jws
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