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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Times Jumbo Cryptic 932 2 bellandme 3rd July 2011, 12:54
» by bellandme
932 cryptic 2 francis 3rd July 2011, 12:48
» by francis
sunday post 2 babs 3rd July 2011, 12:47
» by babs
ST 4440 Last one. 6 little daisy 3rd July 2011, 12:34
» by little daisy
Times Jumbo Cryptic 932 3 harpist 3rd July 2011, 12:31
» by harpist
ST 4440 3 joe 90 3rd July 2011, 12:30
» by joe 90
ST 4440 3 joe 90 3rd July 2011, 12:19
» by joe 90
Sun Times 4440 4 hallgreening 3rd July 2011, 12:17
» by julie, aberdeen
jumbo 932 cryptic 7 verona 3rd July 2011, 12:11
» by molly
Times 2 Jumbo932 6 horwichgal 3rd July 2011, 11:59
» by wendy
Call to Tonyw 5 pipesmoker 3rd July 2011, 11:44
» by jolan
Saga Magazine 1 tonyw 3rd July 2011, 11:39
» by jolan
GK ST Horsey clue 4 trailingspouse 3rd July 2011, 11:23
» by trailingspouse
Club Monthly 20130 13a 4 mah 3rd July 2011, 11:08
» by mah
Times s no 932 2 eileen 3rd July 2011, 10:57
» by bullfrog
ST Cryptic743 3 carmel 3rd July 2011, 10:42
» by sudokulover
SE Skeleton 14 julie 3rd July 2011, 10:37
» by samak
DM july 2nd 4 tj50 3rd July 2011, 09:59
» by tommy
Skeleton 2 alanjames 3rd July 2011, 09:44
» by julie
DT26,594 (Saturday) 3 lord hawksmill vii 3rd July 2011, 09:42
» by samak
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