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Guardian25,364 10 brianpat 6th July 2011, 17:37
» by brianpat
Explanation sought - Guardian 25367 2 twm 6th July 2011, 17:07
» by twm
Times cryptic 5 valroland 6th July 2011, 17:00
» by trevor
food and drink 3 paultee 6th July 2011, 16:43
» by the joker
living creature 4 kitiwren 6th July 2011, 15:53
» by ab
living creature 5 kitiwren 6th July 2011, 15:50
» by ab
living creature 1 kitiwren 6th July 2011, 15:34
» by ab
Animal quiz 1 crosswordaddict 6th July 2011, 15:31
» by celadon
living creature 1 kitiwren 6th July 2011, 15:00
» by karen
living creature 2 kitiwren 6th July 2011, 14:59
» by kitiwren
Daily Mail Wed 4 pip 6th July 2011, 14:12
» by pip
DT toughie 592 2 joe 90 6th July 2011, 14:09
» by joe 90
DM 19a 4 dudley 6th July 2011, 13:46
» by francis
Private Eye 2 chips 6th July 2011, 13:07
» by chips
DM WED 1 smb 6th July 2011, 13:05
» by chips
mirror crossword 4 mark 6th July 2011, 12:55
» by mark
Sat2nd julyDR 3 agatha 6th July 2011, 12:45
» by agatha
Animal Quiz 2 crosswordaddict 6th July 2011, 12:39
» by dudley
Cryptic 9 ernie 6th July 2011, 12:37
» by ernie
Times Club Monthly 20130 4 abi 6th July 2011, 11:53
» by abi
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