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What the fudge??? 4 pastille 10th July 2011, 10:12
» by wendy
guardian 25,370 2 hils 10th July 2011, 09:16
» by hils
Aussie Mega 70 - Mighty Mega 5 qwerty55 10th July 2011, 09:09
» by qwerty55
need help last clue DR sat 2 2belle 10th July 2011, 01:15
» by 2belle
what do you do when your friend is jealous? 1 val 10th July 2011, 00:26
» by cosmo
Times 24,897 6 rocketman 10th July 2011, 00:17
» by bullfrog
fathersday 2 mark 10th July 2011, 00:04
» by mark
Times 2 Jumbo 933 2 dumblix 10th July 2011, 00:02
» by dumblix
daily record 1 linda 9th July 2011, 23:54
» by cosmo
everyman 3379 1 lily 9th July 2011, 23:46
» by cosmo
times cryptic 933 2 dotty vot 9th July 2011, 23:45
» by cosmo
living creature 2 kitiwren 9th July 2011, 23:43
» by cosmo
DT 26, 600 4d 4 sorry, cj! 9th July 2011, 23:22
» by sorry, cj!
Times 24897 4 bellandme 9th July 2011, 23:02
» by theambler
Cryptic 4 nina 9th July 2011, 22:43
» by nina
Times 24897 2 caro 9th July 2011, 22:17
» by caro
Childs Play 5 puzzled 9th July 2011, 22:08
» by amelia
The Week 756 4 john doe 9th July 2011, 21:57
» by coline
times 2 6 emanuel 9th July 2011, 21:35
» by pastille
£500 x word dr 2 beth 9th July 2011, 20:57
» by beth
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