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£500 x word dr 2 beth 9th July 2011, 20:57
» by beth
times crossword 932 6 matalie 9th July 2011, 20:42
» by matalie
times 2 no 5511 1 eileen 9th July 2011, 20:25
» by harpist
Help Please - Crossword #216 10d 3 brian 9th July 2011, 20:11
» by harpist
Sat Tel 15A and 19A 2 geoff marbella 9th July 2011, 19:58
» by neilm
Help Please - Crossword #216 1d 2 brian 9th July 2011, 19:56
» by brian
Daily Record £500 crosswrd 2 supergran 9th July 2011, 19:36
» by supergran
Times 2 933 3 louise 9th July 2011, 19:26
» by louise
Times 2 no 5511 1 eileen 9th July 2011, 19:24
» by ajt
Times Jumbo Cryptic 933 5 harpist 9th July 2011, 18:49
» by harpist
Times 2 no 5511 6 eileen 9th July 2011, 18:24
» by sammy
jumbo 933 cryptic 2 cosmo 9th July 2011, 18:06
» by cosmo
Times 2 no 5511 3 eileen 9th July 2011, 18:04
» by sammy
FT 13741 cryptic 4 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 9th July 2011, 18:01
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
times cryptic 24897 5 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 9th July 2011, 17:44
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
DT 26,600 Last one! 4 royal windsor 9th July 2011, 17:41
» by royal windsor
irish news 5 tom 9th July 2011, 16:38
» by tonyw
Ethical alternative to Times Cryptic Jumbo? 4 tornface 9th July 2011, 16:34
» by tornface
Times Cryptic 933 11 paul 9th July 2011, 16:34
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Mature Times-2 clues please 8 gina 9th July 2011, 16:28
» by gina
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