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Topic Replies Started by Last post
ST 4441 3 angie q 10th July 2011, 13:20
» by angie q
everyman 3380 3 joe 90 10th July 2011, 13:03
» by joe 90
Belfast Telegraph cryptic 2 nomimalone 10th July 2011, 12:59
» by nomimalone
Sunday Post Cryptic 14-Across 1 tomsk 10th July 2011, 12:39
» by bellandme
Times Jumbo Cryptic 933 3 arthur 10th July 2011, 12:37
» by bellandme
times 2 933 2 eileen 10th July 2011, 12:32
» by eileen
sunday times cryptic 2 shaun 10th July 2011, 12:07
» by julie, aberdeen
Sunday Post Cryptic 4 tomsk 10th July 2011, 12:06
» by tomsk
ST 4441 2 tommy 10th July 2011, 12:06
» by tommy
Sir Lancelot MOS 2 jayneygibb 10th July 2011, 11:57
» by jayneygibb
sunday Times 4441 3 charity 10th July 2011, 11:41
» by charity
S.T.4441. 2 charity 10th July 2011, 11:40
» by charity
Belfast Telegraph Sat July 9 5 kaybee 10th July 2011, 11:40
» by kaybee
SE Skeleton 2 cazzy 10th July 2011, 11:33
» by cazzy
saturday daily record 2 neily 10th July 2011, 11:17
» by enda
Guardian 25370 3 dollyhaze 10th July 2011, 11:16
» by dollyhaze
Cryptic Jumbo 933 2 enda 10th July 2011, 11:15
» by enda
Se skeleton 1 cazzy 10th July 2011, 11:13
» by enda
Sunday Times 2 10th 4 jilly potter 10th July 2011, 10:53
» by jilly potter
Times Jumbo 933 9 July 3 wendyj 10th July 2011, 10:33
» by tonyw
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