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guardian prize 16 thomas 7th August 2011, 02:49
» by greedy kite
Crossword Help Forum prizewinner 13 turast 7th August 2011, 02:20
» by turast
Times. 24.921. 9 ron 7th August 2011, 00:43
» by shb2
football poser 8 nytram 7th August 2011, 00:14
» by les40
Cryptic 3 nina 7th August 2011, 00:07
» by nina
sat dr x-word 5 caz 6th August 2011, 23:39
» by caz
Times cryptic 937 7 cyberpet 6th August 2011, 22:39
» by cyberpet
Sat Daily Record 5 millie 6th August 2011, 22:35
» by def
DR Sat 9 gran 6th August 2011, 22:19
» by gran
Times jumbo cryptic 937 5 jazzgirl 6th August 2011, 21:33
» by jazzgirl
Times24.921. 4 ron 6th August 2011, 21:21
» by ron
irish news help please!!! 3 amb 6th August 2011, 21:21
» by amb
Yours Mag No.120 2 coline 6th August 2011, 20:32
» by coline
Times cryptic 24920 6 safiannie 6th August 2011, 19:57
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
YP cryptic 1327 (again) 7 granny62 6th August 2011, 19:55
» by granny62
Daily record Sat. 6th 2 clell 6th August 2011, 19:44
» by clell
irish news 3 tom 6th August 2011, 19:36
» by safiannie
times 937 cryptic 10 molly 6th August 2011, 18:55
» by the riddler
Sun 5 carol mcd 6th August 2011, 18:36
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Question for Tony/Sudokulover etc. 2 greedy kite 6th August 2011, 18:30
» by greedy kite
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