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HERALD 06/08/11 1 denzel 7th August 2011, 14:19
» by mrs grundy
guardian cryptic 25394 2 bulldog 7th August 2011, 14:09
» by bulldog
Guardian 25,394 9 mscross 7th August 2011, 14:08
» by hils
sunday post 5 babs 7th August 2011, 14:00
» by babs
times jumbo cryptic 937 25 down and 46 across 7 harpist 7th August 2011, 13:59
» by tgi paul
ST 4445 5 dick i 7th August 2011, 13:56
» by tgi paul
Sunday Times 748 5 carmel 7th August 2011, 13:51
» by rob23
Sat DT 26,624, 4d 3 lillian gish 7th August 2011, 13:37
» by lillian gish
Mephisto 20 down 3 film fan 7th August 2011, 13:19
» by tony
mos 142 3 flynnsmum 7th August 2011, 13:07
» by flynnsmum
Sir Lancelot 2 pompeyjill 7th August 2011, 13:03
» by jolan
Saturday times jumbo 1 soapy 7th August 2011, 13:03
» by jazzgirl
ST 4445 3 joe 90 7th August 2011, 12:53
» by joe 90
S. Tel cryptic 2 chelsea 7th August 2011, 12:52
» by chelsea
MOS 1,242 3 rabbit 7th August 2011, 12:46
» by rabbit
Sir Lancelot 7 ralph 7th August 2011, 12:32
» by ralph
Sunday Times. 4445 18 charity 7th August 2011, 12:30
» by jim mac
Sun Tel Cryptic 2,600 10 A 5 geoff marbella 7th August 2011, 12:16
» by geoff marbella
SE Skeleton Again!! 2 cazzy 7th August 2011, 12:05
» by cazzy
SE Skeleton 3 cazzy 7th August 2011, 12:01
» by cazzy
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