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Sat.Daily Record. 7 supergran 7th August 2011, 17:46
» by supergran
Matron for sallyw et al 23 matron 7th August 2011, 17:41
» by pastille
Everyman 3384 1 patondor 7th August 2011, 17:33
» by barrycat
everyman 3384 4 catcharmer 7th August 2011, 17:29
» by catcharmer
Message for sallyw 5 barrycat 7th August 2011, 17:12
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
jumbo times2 937 6 t.t. 7th August 2011, 17:01
» by busylissie
Sir Lancelot 4 francis 7th August 2011, 16:37
» by francis
times 2 937 3 gwendat 7th August 2011, 16:35
» by jazzgirl
Private Eye 449 - Put Me Out My Misery! 4 big al 7th August 2011, 16:27
» by big al
Everyman 3384 2 john doe 7th August 2011, 16:11
» by john doe
Everyman 3384 3 wordless 7th August 2011, 16:04
» by wordless
Guardian Crossword ERROR 5 sudokulover 7th August 2011, 15:58
» by jolan
Times Jumbo 937 9 safetyman 7th August 2011, 15:44
» by mrs grundy
SUNDAY POST CRYPTIC 3 tomsk 7th August 2011, 15:36
» by tomsk
times937 5 susanna 7th August 2011, 15:25
» by jazzgirl
Azed 2,045 1 miss scarlet 7th August 2011, 15:16
» by miss scarlet
Sunday Herald (Glasgow) 7/8 3 andyb 7th August 2011, 15:00
» by mrs grundy
thanks £500 win 8 malpat 7th August 2011, 14:57
» by barrycat
ST 4445 2 vincelegrau 7th August 2011, 14:52
» by vincelegrau
sevendays 5 eilidhbeth 7th August 2011, 14:37
» by chelsea
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