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Times 24,934 1 neilm 22nd August 2011, 09:38
» by neilm
In The Countryside 8 puzzled 22nd August 2011, 09:34
» by jazzgirl
tv programmes through the years 1 tig 22nd August 2011, 08:48
» by bluemoo2
MOS 1244 9 DOWN STICKY WICKET ? 5 dimwitt 22nd August 2011, 01:28
» by def
Colours 8 elephant 21st August 2011, 22:38
» by elephant
Not about crosswords! 5 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 21st August 2011, 22:16
» by pastille
HERALD SAT 20/08/11 25 denzel 21st August 2011, 21:58
» by the joker
SL cryptic 3 squire 21st August 2011, 21:33
» by squire
Mephisto 2660 by Paul McKenna 21/08/2011 10 xwordfan 21st August 2011, 21:18
» by chips
EP Cryptic 4 kellimod 21st August 2011, 21:16
» by kellimod
Far Ranging 2 twink 21st August 2011, 20:46
» by twink
IOS Gloworm 3 louis 2 21st August 2011, 20:46
» by louis 2
Sunday Post Easy 2 linda 21st August 2011, 19:39
» by linda
times 939 3 susanna 21st August 2011, 19:25
» by ian
seven days x word ,sunday mail 5 beth 21st August 2011, 19:16
» by beth
everyman3386 5d 2 bulldog 21st August 2011, 18:56
» by dollyhaze
Stuck on 2 ST 4447 6 little daisy 21st August 2011, 18:55
» by little daisy
FT Polymath 619 3 dollyhaze 21st August 2011, 18:15
» by jazzgirl
everyman 3386 1 lily 21st August 2011, 18:11
» by tony
Everyman 3386 2 jonno 21st August 2011, 18:06
» by jonno
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