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RTE Guide No. 27 2 laurel 26th June 2020, 23:36
» by laurel
P Eye, 24 Apr, 5 sausage 26th June 2020, 21:19
» by chips
Viz 297 -usual PG warning 6 loubyloo10 26th June 2020, 19:23
» by shooty
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1446 13 despard 26th June 2020, 15:40
» by dandhh
Times 27700 3 paulhabershon 26th June 2020, 08:20
» by malone
LISTENER 4612 60 tatters 25th June 2020, 21:32
» by lofthouse
Clueless 480 36 granama1 25th June 2020, 15:09
» by granama1
alphapuzzle thurs 5 manudave 25th June 2020, 12:33
» by malone
Azed 2506 6 lumen 25th June 2020, 11:03
» by kt17
Last one 4 tranmere 24th June 2020, 21:32
» by tranmere
sun on Sunday June 14 13 annilee 24th June 2020, 09:30
» by rusty
Times Cryptic Jumbo 1446 18 grahamr 23rd June 2020, 17:41
» by chips
EV 1440 47 cockie 23rd June 2020, 15:21
» by bobbibunny
EV definitely contains answers. 20 brendan 23rd June 2020, 15:05
» by williamseal
Spectator 2462 9 loubyloo10 23rd June 2020, 13:28
» by alwayspuzzled
ST 4908 11 shipwreck 23rd June 2020, 13:22
» by malone
Times 27697 6 paulhabershon 23rd June 2020, 09:43
» by malone
TIMES 27,696 11 gooner 23rd June 2020, 09:03
» by paulhabershon
Sunday Times 4908 4 loubyloo10 22nd June 2020, 19:30
» by malone
LISTENER 4611 120 tatters 22nd June 2020, 16:09
» by crosswhit99
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